Mama Cass lives!

Yes, I am alive, and I want you to know that I love you. Enjoy art, enjoy food, enjoy life.
Mama Cass

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Words

I just finished this piece yesterday. It is called"The Words."
It is watercolor, ink and coffee on paper, 11"x15".
It is based on this writing by Becky Tillett.
I am happy with this piece. It was quite intensive as I was painting it, I have realized that I am becoming a detailed artist rather than a messy artist. Somehow I try to keep a healthy balance between the two - messy details! ha

Here is some more eye candy for you, some drawings for recent paintings:

This is Yoda-Speak, yo!

and this is Nicole's Hands.

More work coming soon!
love, Mama