Mama Cass lives!

Yes, I am alive, and I want you to know that I love you. Enjoy art, enjoy food, enjoy life.
Mama Cass

Monday, November 28, 2011

Being lost in the world + self-exploration = DISCOVERY.

In August I would have told you that I knew the general direction my life was going in.
I was painting everyday in a studio in Philly.
I was writing everyday.
I was full of ideas.
Today, on this beautiful day in November, I am in the Princeton Public Library, and here is some of what I've been doing.

I have been:
Working on my Motto:
Who gives a damn about the past/
I live for the day/
Plan for the future/
Pack a lunch/
and Haul Ass
- Big Boi

I have been:
Reclining across the Organ Mountains
in my dreams of New Mexico.

I have been:
always 100% truthful.
All I have given you is Everything I Am.
Raged it, and Proven It.

I have been:
Confused, hurt, employed, unemployed,
lost, faithless, and completely in love.
I know what it feels like.

On November 19, I had my first art show in Philadelphia at O.U.R. Gallery and Studios.
Here are some pictures from the show!
Everything is for sale, btw.

Critiquing some of my work.
Speaking to the public.

...Speaking publically. :D

My work hanging in a gallery! :D
Artist Life Goal #1: Complete!

What did I discover?
I don't always know which direction to go in,
but I'm going to be fine.

Love, Mama Cass

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jersey Fresh Jam 2011

Hola! Yesterday I went to the annual 2011 Jersey Fresh Jam in Trenton, NJ. Mama Cass, along with 49 other graffiti artists (only a handful of girls i would say), painted our giant hearts out on the walls of Terracycle. There were local DJ's, Em-Cee's and magazines, as well as a tiny tasty italian water ice truck!
It was sunny, beautiful and hot. I ended up using an umbrella all day while I painted and made a fashion statement at the same time! Please enjoy these pictures from the event:

Shout out to my friend Leon Rainbow, the sickest graf artist and friend I have in Trenton, thanks for having me out to the event!

Mama Cass

Monday, July 18, 2011

Silver Surfer Vaporizer + Mama Cass = your recommended daily allowance of awesomeness.

Its finally here! My custom design for Silver Surfer Vaporizer's Wave Rider Series is up for sale! You can order it here and go tell your friends!! Be on the lookout for the second design, coming soon. I have been working with SSV for a few months now, and let me tell you, those are some awesome people! Much love for SSV.

Here is the design, entitled Lightning Volt:

Also, I applied for, and was accepted to Artsprojekt, affiliated with Zazzle. I now have the beginnings of my online Merch store, and you can order right off of Zazzle! If there is a specific piece of my art that you would like to see on a t-shirt, mug, or anything you can dream of, please just send me an email!

You can visit my store here!

And last but not least, I will update you on my summer! I have been living in Princeton, NJ since February, and my, what an adventure it has been! I scored a job at the gym here, giving private swim lessons, coaching swimming, and a wee bit of lifeguarding. My boss has dubbed my two fellow swim instructors and I his dark angels, a la Charlie's Angels. As a token of appreciation for the lovely combo that is an enjoyable/easy job + good money, and also since this is my last week in Princeton, I made a cheesy poster to commemorate our summer together.

You have 3 guesses as to which one is myself, Mama Cass.
Thats all for now! Adios!

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Atelier and my most recent works

Last week I visited the Atelier in Trenton, NJ, also known as Modern Metal Works. The artists there are amazing, friendly, positive and inspiring and I was just blown away by the awesomeness thats going on at this place. I plan on visiting as often as I can while I'm in the area. Check them out and if you are ever in Trenton, don't miss out on your chance to hang and learn from some fellow amazing humans!

That is Erik, one of the main artists and leader at the shop and he is awesome. To see some more pictures of my visit, click here!

In other news, I also just finished my latest painting Heaviness of the Brain is Always Felt in the Heart:

To see some more detail shots, go look at my flickr!

I am going to Washington DC for the 4th of July. I am very excited for the fireworks there! Happy 4th everyone! Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Mermaid for Natalie

Dear Natalie,
How long have I been promising you a mermaid? 2 years now? Well, here you go, finally :)
Natalie is a friend of mine from college: beautiful, cross-country runner, Architecturally gifted. She has a wonderful blog you can check out Here!
<3 Mama Cass

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BBoy BBQ (semi)FAIL = Princeton Wall Art WIN!

Last weekend I went to Philadelphia for the 10th annual BBoy BBQ to do some live painting at the event. Unfortunately, some paperwork didn’t get done and the artists were forced to quit painting by the local Law Enforcement Officers (po-po, five-0, the fuzz, cherries and blueberries?, ie. the man). So, since I didn’t get to paint my heart out in Phila, I went ahead and did it in P-ton (Princeton, that is) on my friend’s RV. Click here to see the entire stream of images.

Here is a video of some Baby BBoys and Bgirls getting down just like their mama taught them. I had a great time at the event, and I definitely plan on going next year! Enjoy!

<3 - Mama Cass

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fear and the Comedy - Traveling Mind + my birthday = one good day.

Today is my birthday and I have tons of exciting news! First of all, I am 24. I'm not sure what time I actually turned 24 because according to my mom, it was at night, and according to my dad, I was born in the morning. Oh well, thankfully we celebrate birthdays for an entire 24 hours!
Secondly, next weekend I will be attending the 10th Annual BBoy BBQ, a hip hop music festival taking place in West Philly. I have been selected as one of 30 artists nation-wide to live-paint on a huge 40 ft wall! It should be incredible. Yesterday I shopped the Utrecht outlet store for all my supplies, and dang, I got some good stuff. Pictures will be up after next weekend!
Lastly, today is also a big day because it marks the release date of my dear friend and colleague Barrett Wilson's new album release. His band is titled 'Fear and the Comedy' and the name of the album is 'Traveling Mind.' We have been working together the past couple months putting the right image with the music and this is what we came up with!

The entire album was written, recorded and produced by Barrett himself, and he has recently put together a band to start performing live! If you are in the LA area, be sure to keep your ears open for their killer sounds, especially Barrett's heavenly way with the guitar. You can stream and download the entire album here:

Hope you enjoyed all the new ear/eye candy! Until next time....
<3 Mama Cass

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Here is "The Golden Rule"

It's about being kind to others, listening, and being kind to yourself. I hope you love it.
love, Mama Cass

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Uber-Super Post of Recent Things

I've been a busy girl.
I have realized there are a lot of empty streets in this world and I'm gonna paint them.
Enjoy all my latest :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Words

I just finished this piece yesterday. It is called"The Words."
It is watercolor, ink and coffee on paper, 11"x15".
It is based on this writing by Becky Tillett.
I am happy with this piece. It was quite intensive as I was painting it, I have realized that I am becoming a detailed artist rather than a messy artist. Somehow I try to keep a healthy balance between the two - messy details! ha

Here is some more eye candy for you, some drawings for recent paintings:

This is Yoda-Speak, yo!

and this is Nicole's Hands.

More work coming soon!
love, Mama

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Progress is continually good

The Words. Progress. Enjoy.
love Mama Cass

Monday, March 21, 2011


today i finished my blog header, you can see it at the head of my blog :)

i have some more work coming up this week, stay tuned!
*love* mama cass

Friday, March 18, 2011

Progress is GOOD!

Progress is good, and it's fun to look at too! Here's some progress on my current work called "The Words." Hopefully I'll have it done by early next week!

This is a drawing for my new header design on my blog. I'm gonna work on painting it today. Progress!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Its been SO long!

Hi. Here's what I've been up to lately: well as traveling, moving, lifeguard-training, job-hunting, & cooking. :D
I also finished my new website and got it up a few days ago. It somehow got onto which was exciting!